Monday, November 19, 2007

(K)not the String Cheese Incident...

...but Liza Morozova performing "The Knot of the Matter" with noodles.

"It is not accidentally that noodles became a material of choice for knotting. My woman's memory of Italy is directly linked to noodles. To knot noodles thus is to work with this important and equally painful experience.

At the same time, this project remains critical to the existing system of contemporary art. "To noodle someone" is a common Russian idiom, meaning "to string someone along", so this performance is derisive and self-ironic."

For those who want a real "String Cheese Incident", check out the band with the same name. has a big collection of live shows to listen to of this bootleg-friendly, progressive bluegrass band.

(Listening to while posting: Laurie Anderson - Pieces and parts)


LS said...

Interesting art! So what happens when the spaghetti dries and sticks to the black surface? Will that be a permanent art piece, or is this temporary art?

Maybe you can do this with lasagna plates too, just smack them onto a black surface like collage? And some blotches with spaghetti sauce? Just kidding.

How did it look like when she was finished? I like edible art.

O.K. said...

Advertised as a performance/installation, I guess the process is the art just as much as the finished result. I did neither stick nor hang around to see the done art, I was just passing by. But you can find more pictures on her homepage.