Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Groundhog Update

It didn't die! PP saw it and nearly hit it with a giant rock, but missed. All the burrow entries have been dug open by the little pest. But I am not giving up. Time for the bigger smoke bombs from the farmers' store, plus I baited the trap again with peanutbutter on fancy Wasa crackers. What a pest.


EH said...

You never told me there called woodchuck or whistlepig...any why would you kill such a cose little animal...You can have it as at pet! Do you remember the little one that almost attacked you? I must look up the picture!

Get a angry snarling dog to chase them out. Keep the cats inside, just in case though. I´ll bet Mymlan could have chased them off, she was fierce sometimes.

LS said...

Yes, a dog would be good, but then the dog would have to be outside all the time, since they are out at night too. They are cute, but really pests, because they don't stick to grass and good food like that, but really attack my beans and beets. And they are undermining our barn... You can have it as a pet, we can send it to you with FEDEX after we have caught it!

O.K. said...

You lure it with the tasty cracker, and poison it with the peanut butter? :)
Just look how happened to Elvis, must have been all those peanut butter sandwiches, right? Hmm, when you have caught it, dress it up in an Elvis Presley Las Vegas jumpsuit and teach it to sing "I ain't nothing but a ground hog, chewing on the thyme..."

You'll make a fortune! (in Las Vegas, of course. World center of modest taste) :)

LS said...

I think the ground hog will make a pretty corpse....

O.K. said...

Maybe it is time to befriend some hillbilly neighbors, you know the kind with NRA stickers on their pickup truck. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. :)

LS said...

Update: The trap was empty, the bait gone, and the door shut this morning. How does it do it?

O.K. said...

"My name is Ground Hog. Houdini Ground Hog."

LS said...

A new theory has been launched here in groundhog heaven on Earth: the groundhog is simply too fat for the trap door to the cage to shut close so he can squeeze out, since the locking mechanism requires that the door falls down all the way from the very beginning. So, I guess we have to get a bigger trap. How about a bear trap, think that will do?

O.K. said...

Well, it hasn't exactly been on a diet... You better be a step ahead, make a "heffaklump"-trap. (As Winnie the pooh did).

O.K. said...

Of course, the ground hog has to grow so it can fill out Elvis' suit.

LS said...

Well, we saw it yesterday and in run towards its hole, which it then smokebombed again, this time with a bigger smokebombed. No sign this morning of it digging out, but we can't find a second entrance to this burrow, so either it has none, or it has one we haven't found yet. I set the trap too, at an angle, with the result this morning that the bait was gone and the trap door not tripped - maybe a mouse or something could get the bait out through the cage walls. YOu are not allowed to shoot them here, we are too close to other houses, but I am starting to think that is the best solution. Or a new giant trap. I would be happy if it filled out Elvis' suit, if he did it in heaven and not in our yard. OAAUUAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA! This is frustrating!

LS said...

One more update:
No sign of a groundhog that has dug out, BUT we found its entrance to the veggie garden. Like a highway ramp under the chicken wire fence behond the hubbard squash, from the neighboring field. Oaaaaah!!! (as my kids would say). NO wonder it has eaten all our good stuff. I am so mad I feel like I could break its neck with my bare hands if I just could get hold of it. They do smell terrible though... (EH, it is not a nice-smelling pet!) So we have dug down some old metal flashing (left from the roof activitites, remember, O.K.?), deep down in the ground, and then piled lots of dirt over again. I just hope, hope, hope it died yesterday, but I don't trust any method anymore. I think we have to dig a chicken wire fence 2 feet down around the whole vegetable garden this fall, but who will do that?

O.K. said...

"I think we have to dig a chicken wire fence 2 feet down around the whole vegetable garden this fall, but who will do that?"

Make a trail of lettuce along the perimeter of the fence, and the rabid groundhog will take care of the digging for you...