Bringing order to nature
"Today, birds fly around aimlessly and freely, and this is highly unfortunate. As long as birds are free, they cannot be socialized and enjoy the benefits of modern society.
The way birds live today is comparable to how we humans lived tens of thousands of years ago. This is the first step towards creating a modern society for animals, which could be very beneficial in many ways. "
Relax, this is just an art project/exhibition with political undertones where housings for birds are built on the roof of Kulturhuset (A cultural center in the middle of Stockholm) in the style of the swedish "miljonprogrammet" (the million program). Miljonprogrammet is the name of the political agenda to build a million new dwellings during ten years, between 1965 - 1974. Today it is used mostly as a negative term for the ugly and depressing suburban apartment complexes from that era. I suspect the priorities were "fast and easy to build".
The houses can be watched live here until the end of next summer. Will the birds adapt to modern society, or will they continue to live like anarchists? ;)
P.S. The cranes (no, not birds ;] ) in the background are real, new (real) buildings are being built. Some less pleasing to the eye than others...
Listening to while posting: Animals of Wheels - Soluble ducks (from the album "Designs and mistakes"). I thought it was a suitable soundtrack. :)
That is one of the most stupid bird houses I have ever seen, but it does make a point. If birds would hate living like this, then people probably would too. Only purple martin live in colonies like that, and only if the house is on a big pole high up in the air.
Jag såg det här i Metro, men då förklarande dom inte tanken bakom nånting, nu förstår jag i alla fall vad man vill illustera. Vad förvånade dom kommer bli när de får getinginvasion i holkarna nästa år, med all god snabbmat nere på Plattan
Haha, fick en vision om hur spännade det blir när bålgetingarna som flyttar in knaprar i sig amfetamin och anabola steroider som ramlat ur fickorna på plattans ambulerande försäljare...
Nästa stadsdrog heter säkert "wasp", hihi. Getinggift och amfetamin i ett, i en naturlig förpackning, bara att använda. Ett stick så är det klart!
Precis som bananen så har den en naturlig, ekologisk utformning.
Missbrukarna blir dock lätta att känna igen där de vandrar omkring insmetade i honung, sökande efter nästa fix.
"Nejnej, konstapeln. Det är bara hudsalva!"
Good site to check the weather in Stockholm!
I just checked the weather, and no bird was in sight... Not even pigeons. Nice sunset though!
"Good site to check the weather in Stockholm!"
Just what I thought too when first looked at it.
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