Punk's not dead
...it's just being recycled. I found this bass in the dumpster during the annual spring cleaning one week ago.Actually a fairly nice bass, an neck-through body Aria Cardinal from 1982, now with a "custom" paint job by, I guess, the former owner. Note the alternative peace sign... :)
Or maybe punk isn't dead, it's just resting?
(Listening to while posting: Ozric Tentacles - Space between your ears. Only to stay within today's space theme. ;) )
Do you think there is punk on other planets? Staying within the space theme here...
Well, Frank Zappa managed to become an
asteroid, so why not?
Haha thats NOT a punk bas.
It's a flower power bas. :)
I agree with Johan - it is definitely a botanical item...
Look closer, Johan. Iggy Pop is not flower power imo.
But the Iggy sticker is put there later. The original paint work is definitely flower power. :o)
I know!!!! (raising her hand in class)
It is a HYBRID! Iggy pop + hippie!
A few more thoughts:
1. Is there spunk on other planets? (ask Pippi Langstrump)
2. Is a sticker worth more than what is underneath it?
3. Will flower power live longer than punk?
Of course yo do LS. ;)
How about "I wish I was a punkrocker with flowers in my hair" then?
Actually there's no paint under the sticker, so it must have been added first!
Ha! ;)
It's har to say if Flowe Power will live longer than Punk. Because punk will live for ever.
So its a kind of philosophical question.
Higgy Poppie?
No REAL punkrocker would ever be seen with flowers in their hair (or with this bass), I think!
The person that painted the guitar must have loved that sticker a lot to leave it on and have it surrounded by paint. I think it was a converted 'punkare', that became a hippie.
Higgy Poppie - is that the new GB icecream this summer? LOL
Live forever... so time is infinite? Now we are back in the space issue again - was there time before Big Bang? Time can change too - is E=mc2 valid for punk too?
"The person that painted the guitar must have loved that sticker a lot to leave it on and have it surrounded by paint. I think it was a converted 'punkare', that became a hippie."
And then we have "recycled punk"?
Higgy Poppie, following the success of Kokoskon? :)
There really is something called Recycled Punk:
O.K. how do you post links in the comments?
Like this:
(a href='http://www.recycledpunkrecords.com/')recycled punk(/a)
(without linebreaks)
Replace ( and ) with < and >, and it becomes:
recycled punk
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