Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My soap is poetry

because of it´s fragrance.... lingon & ljung (or lingonberry & heather)

This Swedish brand Bliw has the most poetic fragrances, I can use them and be off to really nice spots, a summer field, wild strawberries in the summer sun, Blueberries and mountain creeks etc.

It´s like a little poetry for home...and it smells good too.

Äpple och Fläder [Apple and elderberry]
Blåsippa och daggkåpa [windflower and lady's mantle]
Kärnmjölk och kamomill [raw milk and chamomille]
Smultron och sommarsol [wild strawberries and summer sun]
Björk och äng [birch and meadow]
Blåbär och fjällbäck [blueberries and mountain stream]
Lingon och ljung [lingonberries and heather]
Mjölk och vildhonung [milk and wild honey]
Nyponros och rabarber [rosehips and rhubarb]
Hjorton och fjällsippa [cloudberries and "Dryas"]
Svarta vinbär [black currants]

PS. Translations by LS.


LS said...

We have BLOW here too, sent by wonderful friends in Sweden. Blueberries are in our guest bath room, and chamomille in our master bath! Wonderful Swedish things, indeed!

I have often thought that Swedes are so much more connected to nature than many other cultures. I mean that Swedes know many more common names of plants that are not food plants, just pretty. Here in the US many kids can barely identify a broccoli or leek in the store. Of course, our kids are different, they know every vegetable on their plates, right, AREA and LA?

LS said...

I meant BLIW, not BLOW!!! Where is the edit button for comments?