Saturday, April 26, 2008

Vitsippsmattor och sångsvanar

Vitsippsmattor till Swedette och alla andra som längtar efter en svensk vårkväll.

(Anemone blankets for Swedette, and everybody else who longs for a swedish spring evening.

The sun is about to set and the flowers has started to close.

A sunray still reaches the meadow.

A pair of swans are cruising the little creek, slowly.

When I come closer they are alerted and sing out with their beautiful voices. In swedish they´re called singing swans.



LS said...

Nice swans! We saw mute swans ('knolsvan') this weekend, but the 'song swans' are much more elegant. It is like comparing a buffalo with a gazelle.

I miss the anemones of the Swedish countryside...

EH said...

But you have other anemones, don´t you? Maybe not whole fields of them but still? Isn´t there a Anemone americana somewhere out there?

I can send you some roots and you can have Anemones in a pot in spring.

LS said...

Sorry, no roots can be sent to America. They don't want any roots here. We have other anemones, and I have tall fall-flowering ones. Anemone americana, hmmm, but we have Hepatica (blasippor).

Katie H said...

Love these pictures! Vitsippor galore, now that's what I'm talking about. But I'm moving back to Sweden after eight good years here, so I am certain I will miss all sorts of things from here in the future. On the upside, I'll have the vitsippor.