Friday, May 9, 2008

What do you think?

Do extraterrestrial aliens exist on Earth?

Do ghosts exist and if so, what are they?

Did human civilizations make the Nazca lines and the Giza pyramid, and if so, how?

Questions inspired by conversations with LA. What do YOU think?


O.K. said...

One question I have asked several people who say they believe in ghosts is "do ghosts manifest themselves in the physical reality?". No-one has actually answered that question yet.

LS said...

If you can see them, then it must be physical, no? Is light physical? I don't believe ghosts are dead people, but I believe there are things in this world that we don't have explanations for, at least not yet. A few hundred years ago nobody could explain lightning and thunder, magnetism, genetics, and diseases in as scientific, logical ways as we can today. Maybe 100 years from now there will be a scientific explanation for ghosts and other supernatural phenomena?

O.K. said...

"If you can see them, then it must be physical, no? Is light physical?"

Light is physical, yes, but our experience of light doesn't need to be based on light. Our mind is capable of tricking us to an amazing degree, especially if there are stimulants (memories, associations, drugs) or if it is in a certain state (hypnosis, dreaming, trance, mental illness). Assuming I was a ghost I would, if I could, operate in the mental realm. It must be so much more energy efficient than actually rattling those chains... ;)

But that opens up the philosophical can of worms, "What is real?".

Otherwise I agree with you. However all scientific studies of presumed paranormal phenomenas I have heard of have failed to prove the existence of such.

LS said...

"I think therefore I am."

But thoughts aren't physical, and can't be measured, can they? But they are real, no?

O.K. said...

I would say that thoughts are physical, but we don't have tools and knowledge to measure and interpret them. And even then one must probably have a very detailed blueprint of how that specific brain is wired. Anyhow you kind of blew a hole in my question. Dang it! ;)

Let me rephrase: Do ghost operate outside the viewers body?

(Annars är de hjärnspöken... ;))

LS said...

Physical things we don't have the tools to measure - sounds like mirage and ghost images to me...

O.K. said...

If so, did for example neutrinos exist before we found a way to detect them?

LS said...

What is neutrinos?

O.K. said...


LS said...

"are able to pass through ordinary matter almost undisturbed and are thus extremely difficult to detect"

I wonder how many has gone through my brain or heart without me knowing about it. Isn't that a weird thought?