Sunday, May 18, 2008

Fat quote

As for butter versus margarine, I trust cows more than chemists. - Joan Gussow


LA said...

What the heck? That makes no sense

LS said...

I guess you don't know that margarine was first made by chemists? They took liquid oil, hydrogenated it, and made it solid at room temperature = margarine. So butter comes from cow milk, but margarine you have to process from vegetable oil in large factories. I like butter!

PS. No swear words here.... LA!

EH said...

I trust cows too, but I know some people who would not after being chased by them... :) Ask O.K.! or dad...

O.K. said...

Two words: Stupid, herds.

LS said...

O.K., what did you do in the cow field? Butter you can get in the store!

I know what incident you refer to, but I thought those were bulls, not cows.