Thursday, May 28, 2009

seen in the neighborhood yesterday

Seen about one kilometer from our house yesterday morning - a black bear. Photo by an unknown neighbor. There are more bear facts here. We don't see them often in the Sourlands, maybe once every few years. But they are becoming more common in New Jersey.


EH said...

Do they hunt deers? Maybe it´s a good thing to have them around!

LS said...

I wish they ate the deers, but they are more for the garbage, mushrooms, little animals, birdfood, and such.

Chad Lebo said...

I think you'll find that if you rub peanut butter on the deer and then roll them in birdseed, most of your problems should be solved.

EH said...

Yeah, you just have to set up a huge deer trap, which spray them with peanut butter and birdseeds and then send them off to the woods and the bears! Good thinking Mr Lebo!

LS said...

They have bear traps - giant steel cylinders. Then they can lift the whole trap up on a truck. I just wonder waht they use as bait. The birdseeded deer sounds like a good thing, especially if you add some honey to the mix too.

I heard of someone that is shooting deers in his backyard with a paint gun around here. If you see any deers with strange colors, you will know where they have been.