Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New Series: Bad Aftonbladet Day - BAD

I have to admit to a not-so-secret secret: I am an avid web reader of the evening newspaper Aftonbladet online, mainly because they have the best and fastest Swedish news on their award-winning website ( Unfortunately it is mixed in with lots of not so newsworthy noise from the entertainment area, diet frenzies, sports, and advertisement, and is therefore considered a less than great newspaper by my Swedish relatives (' en ren blaska'). It is the most read newspaper in Sweden (2.3 million online readers per day). In Sweden, it is the most visited website after MSN. Which leads me to my pet peeve...

One thing that drives me crazy is the lack of proofreading in this paper, and especially the lack of spell and grammar check on the main home page. Therefore, with glee, and with absolutely no empathy for summer substitutes without a degree from journalism school that will be in charge in a few weeks on AB, I will start posting some of the typos, grammar issues, and simply hilarious sentences you can find at this newspaper. It will be in Swedish, not much to do about that.

"Palentologen om världshysterin kring Ida" Vad hände med det tredje o:et i Paleontologen? Dog det ut? (link) {haha, while I was writing this, they corrected it!}

"EU-valskolan del 4 – de de har störst makt i EU" De de? Stammande journalist?

Sedan har de en del som bara är roligt eller konstigt:
Möt mystiska korvmän. [= Meet strange sausage men]
Fick ett ägg upptryckt i ansiktet - 18 personer omhändertagna

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