Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Enkelt är vackert (Simple is beautiful)

Bilden är lånad från Wikimedia. [Photo borrowed from Wikimedia]

En tidig vårlängtan när kylan bitit sig fast i vårt avlånga svenska land. Ute skiner solen och det är -10 grader C. Rimfrosten ligger tät på alla vinterståndare och träd.
Köpte mig en tigerbegonia (Begonia boweri) i blom idag, tycker att blommorna är så söta. Kan en blomma vara enklare? Bladen är mer intrikata, med ögonfrans längs bladkanten och "tigerögon".

In English (translated by LS): An early longing for spring when the chill is getting a firm hold on our long Swedish country. Outside the sun is shining and it is minus -10 degrees C (about 15 degrees F ). The frost is covering all dead herbs and tree branches. I bought myself a flowering tiger begonia (Begonia boweri) today, I love their cute flowers. Can a flower be more simple? The leaves are more intricate, with 'eye lashes' along their edges and 'tiger eyes'.


AnS said...

The flower is really beatiful, but I also see a lot of small details that makes the small flower so wonderful.

LS said...

Wonderful! I translated the Swedish text for you all. The begonia flowers look simple, but they really aren't if you look up close. They are unisexual, so some have only anthers and others have only pistils, and the pistils look like corkscrews. Look closely and you will see. Most begonias has both male and female flowers on the same plant.

My geraniums are flowering like crazy, they have been doing it since June this year, never stopped. Amazing. I must be doing something right with my indoor plants for a change.