Friday, April 29, 2011

Bits and pieces of the internet: Rolling edition

These cars have seen better days (if you think about what the world struggles with now), but still look gorgeous. Ralph Lauren's antique cars are on display in France: "L'Art de L'Automobile. Chefs-D'Œuvre de la Collection Ralph Lauren". (core77) [photo from Ralph Lauren]

After drooling over those shiny cars, you can marvel at this feat - a bike made only of wood. (core77)

And in 1910, this is how a tourist bus in Detroit looked like. (shorpy)


PP said...

They have seen better days in another way me anyway.
I watched the video in the link and Ralph goes on and on about how these cars are "art" well yes I agree for the most part. But these were all meant to be used, not restored to a level far beyond when new and then put on a pedestal.

LS said...

Very true. I think the most beautiful things are things that show that they were made to be used, used for a long time, and lasted because they were well-designed. There is beautiful art too, but that is different, those are not objects designed for use. By the way, what kind of car is this red one, with its lamprey mouth?