Friday, July 23, 2010

The last days of building...

on our new wooden deck at home. A so called "altan" in swedish. It´s a "must-have" in Sweden today, urbanised people can´t stand to trot on grass anymore ;-). We had a stone paving that needed to be removed because the rain water collected alongside the house. So now we have the wooden deck instead. It´s been a slow continuing progress building it, carefully measuring twice before using the saw. Wishes from the wife (me), like having a door in the deck to put things down under it, slowed it down.

As always, our comic sketcher Berglin has something to say, (swedish, sorry folks!)

1 comment:

LS said...

An 'altan' or deck can be a great thing! I dream of one that views either a lake, river, or the sea, with just the right amount of wind to keep the mosquitoes and other bugs away, and near the kitchen and grill... and with no hot midday sun, but maybe with morning or evening sunrise/sunsets...

Post a photo of your great work, please! What are you going to keep under the door in the floor?