Welcome to this bilingual (Swedish-English) group blog by family members living on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, "the pond". Our interests range from the scientific to the eclectic, including gourmet food, horses, art and literature, computers, species in nature, history and iron, and photography. Three generations are posting here.
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7:15 AM
Nice spring day here too! Daffodils (påskliljor), magnolias, and scillas are flowering. Deers are munching away on anything green :( All seeds are sown in the vegetable garden, and three root stocks from Victoria rhubarb are planted. I hope they thrive and become large happy plants eventually. PP and I made botanical zoo today by enclosing one part of the perennial border bed with deer fencing. It is the only way to get any flowers to be left alone. The cherry tree will flower in a few days, just when mom AnS gets here. Nice!
Har det kommit upp nåt i dina krukor med gulsippa och blåsippa som jag skickade förra våren?
Gulsippan ar uppe, men inget blommar, det ar bara blad. Blasippan och vitsippan verkar ha forsvunnit...
I just looked again, Eva, and I think the little vitsippa is coming up too, but really, really tiny.
Vitsippan är bara precis uppe här, hoppas den kommer. Släng inte krukorna, de kanske rotar sig nu och kommer nästa vår. Har du inga bilder på den nya stängslade perennrabatten?
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