Valborg in America
Valborg in America doesn't exist. There are no big heaps of burning wood and branches, no cold winds while people are singing about "Spring winds fresh are here again", no hot dogs for the kids, no drunken teenagers and students - there simply is nothing here. It is a non-holiday.
Once we were celebrating Valborg at a field by a farmer in Nykoping, long ago, during a field camp at a lake I have forgotten the name of. The heap of burning things where enormous, they must have collected stuff the whole winter. Suddenly, an oildrum that was in the center of the whole heap said WHOOF and large green fire tongues leaped out of it. We asked the farmer what was in the oil drum, and he said "no idea, I found it behind the barn". We stepped a few steps back after that, just in case.
For you Americans, Valborg is April 30, and a holiday to celebrate that the sun is coming back, spring is here, and snow and dread is no longer. It was originally a pagan holiday, and still is. So what are you doing for Valborg this year in Sweden?