Monday, April 30, 2007

Valborg in America

Valborg in America doesn't exist. There are no big heaps of burning wood and branches, no cold winds while people are singing about "Spring winds fresh are here again", no hot dogs for the kids, no drunken teenagers and students - there simply is nothing here. It is a non-holiday.

Once we were celebrating Valborg at a field by a farmer in Nykoping, long ago, during a field camp at a lake I have forgotten the name of. The heap of burning things where enormous, they must have collected stuff the whole winter. Suddenly, an oildrum that was in the center of the whole heap said WHOOF and large green fire tongues leaped out of it. We asked the farmer what was in the oil drum, and he said "no idea, I found it behind the barn". We stepped a few steps back after that, just in case.

For you Americans, Valborg is April 30, and a holiday to celebrate that the sun is coming back, spring is here, and snow and dread is no longer. It was originally a pagan holiday, and still is. So what are you doing for Valborg this year in Sweden?

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Steel birds / Stålfåglar

PP e-mailed me this link to a web site of metal art of the most fantastic kind, made by Joe Pogan. I especially like the bird nests made out of bent nails, and the tails made out of old spoons. These birds must have taken an awful long time to make, aren't they cool!?

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Road To Nowhere

Hola Chicos! Its AREA! Just to clarify everything on the blog, my mom is also known as LS. And I'm AREA...Durrrr

So, I'm 13 years old, live with my mom, brother, 2 cats, and my stepdad. I totally love music and horses. And being myself at all times too! Its awesome that I have a barn across the street from where I live, and I get my riding lessons up there! I also get to learn a lot about taking care of horses, and absolutely anything about them at all! I will post some more pictures when I have time.

I like a great variety of music, it depends on what mood I'm in. All my friends classify most of my music as Punk, Screamo, Rock, Alternative, Oldies, Metal...etc. But sometimes I listen to Pop. Never rap though, that stuff is so pathetic, and I hate all the slang and slur words in it......

I guess I'm not an average girl, but who really knows what average is?

I wish to make a difference in the world and in my life, but I'm not sure how. Maybe with photos, since I totally dig photography, and I think my pictures are pretty kick butt.

At first I thought this family blog was a bad idea, because aren't blogs supposed to be where people write about events or conflicts, and opinions you have? And most of my decisions, my familia are against....So I guess I'm gonna have to watch what I say on here, and not stir up any emotions in the household.


Welcome! Välkommen!

Wow, första posten/first post! Don't worry, not everything will be written in two languages, and posts and comments in either Swedish or English are fine.
Today is a beautiful day here in New Jersey, flowers everywhere, spring has sprung!
Or as the Swedish poet Gustaf Fröding said:

Ett grönt blad på marken

Grönt! Gott,
friskt, skönt vått!
Rik luft, mark!
Ljuvt stark,
rik saft,
stor kraft!
Friskt skönt

A green leaf on the ground
Green! Good,
Fresh, nice wet!
Rich air, land!
Deliciously strong,
rich sap,
big power!
Fresh nice,

[translation by LS]