Saturday, January 12, 2013

On having favorites...

I collect favorite places. Favorite museums, gardens, food dishes, restaurants, views, smells, and on and on and on.  I know that favorite things are supposed to be unique, one of a kind, selected by their specialness to you.  But why?

I think we should be able to have many favorite things - why do they have to compete for your liking and loving?  Why all this ranking - best, most, greatest, amazingest? Lets love many great things and appreciate them all.  Appreciation shouldn't be a competition, it should be enjoyment.

What do you think?


Sarah said...

Great post! I feel the exact same way.

AnS said...

Sure. I am collecting birdvoices with my H2. It´s regarding voices and then I can listen to the birds in my computers. When I heard the birdsong can I remember and see the situation in my brain. It is fantastic.

Memories Among Other Things said...

I see it usually as statistical data. Best restaurant mean the biggest number of reviewers who favored that restaurant, without letting that dictate my taste .